A Cutting-edge Framework For Web Development

Open source platforms for web development are gradually becoming the need of the hour for businesses to craft dynamic websites and web applications. There erupted countless open source platforms in the domain of web development framework, including Laravel, CakePHP, Zend, Symfony, and so forth, easing the journey of web developers for building robust websites. However, what makes CakePHP development, the frontrunner PHP framework in the area of web development is worth unleashing. The framework is known to tear down all the complexities and dullness experienced by developers and offer great logic that is key to the particular applications. Here’s briefly eliciting the core factors that make CakePHP, a winsome framework in the market.


#1 Allows code reusability

CakePHP enables the developers to write code that can be reused. They can deploy a particular code number of times in other development if deemed fit which reduces the effort from the end of developers. It straightaway reduces the time taken for development because there’s no need for writing code from the scratch.

#2 No need for configuration

With a framework like CakePHP, developers no more need investing their valuable time in executing the task of configuration. This is due to the reason that there’s no need for indicating any details on the code such as URL, website library and there is the only requirement of assuring the connection settings of the database.

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#3 Enhanced customisation

CakePHP development allows the developers to add up custom and unique functionalities into their website or applications using the exceptional plugins and components of the framework. Overall, developers can modularise the web projects as per the criteria and preferences of their clients.

#4 CRUD functionality

CakePHP development comes with CRUD functionality that aids in easy data management of the website. This helps in resolving a majority of issues related to data management with the mere applicability of CRUD, and thus it helps businesses go ahead with their projects in a cost-effective way.

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#5 Active community support

Another great reason for CakePHP to be the favoured framework for developers is its robust community support. By using it, one can be fully assured of getting quick and steady responses to queries, development and upgrade issues about the site.


Planning to own an extensive website or applications to take your business to the virtual front? CakePHP can be your ultimate and guaranteed solution! You can get in touch with PHPProgrammers, a well-known web development firm in Sydney which houses a team of expert and dedicated CakePHP developers.

Related Topic : “List of Positive Impacts of CakePHP Development Updates on Web Developers”

Source : www.phpprogrammers.com.au


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