Why React JS? What Makes It Different?

Known widely, React JS is an open source JavaScript library, specifically designed to create engaging and spellbinding web apps fast and with very less coding. So, developers are getting an improved and streamlined process to develop apps without bothering much on the coding skills. While the objective of React JS is offering seamless ways to create versatile web applications with improved performance. Entrepreneurs are businesses nowadays are thus recommended to hire React JS developer to mark their presence in the web world because its core strength lies in individual components. Thus, instead of working on a full application, the React JS platform allows developers to segregate the complex UI into simple components.

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PHPProgrammers is a leading web development company in Australia that houses a team of developers with excellent programming skills. So, here’s us explaining why ReactJS is a top preferred web application framework on JavaScript and what makes it different than the rest.

Makes Writing of  code much more fun

JSX is that inherent feature which makes React JS distinct from the other frameworks. With it, making applications or coding is lot more fun for developers instead of a strenuous job. They can easily build new UI feature and make it appear in real in no time. That is, it brings HTML instantly into the JS.


Unique Components

The components of React JS makes it ideally a unique framework, as it allows the programmers to break down the complex user interface (UI). Thus, rather than struggling with the entire web application, they can just break down the UI/UX components. Further, this allows them to make every component unique.

Components Reusability

Reusability of the components of React JS is another factor behind its immense favorability among the developers. It means they are allowed to use the components that are developed for other applications but have similar sort of functionality.

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SEO aspects

Just creating a web application isn’t enough. But, you need an application that will reach up to higher rankings in the search engines. While most JS frameworks are known to be not SEO friendly, creating too many hurdles for the developers, React JS helps them create user-interfaces which are search engine optimised and can attain higher ranks in the search engines.

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Advantages of JavaScript library

One of the main advantages derived from React JS is the JavaScript library and hence developers are no more restricted by the imposition of any templates, or pattern of architecture. Instead, they can create construct applications just like the way they have wished.

Video Source : Programming with Mosh

If you are keen to create web applications for your business, then choose no other than React JS if you really want to come up fast with a responsive and user-intuitive application. Adhering to the advantages, provided by the framework, it is most preferred by programmers who pursue to create advanced apps in less time and costs.


Want to know how? Have a look at our latest blog: “Small Business Owner? Get React.JS! Read to Know Why”

Related Topic : “Want to Hire React JS Developer? Things to Consider”

Source : www.phpprogrammers.com.au

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